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Food cures

Food cures

Did you know that Asparagus….

July 5, 2015

Is a vegetable that has quite a high percentage of vitamins and minerals and can help prevent certain types of cancer?

The spear like looking vegetable contains a good bit of vitamin K , vitamin E, vitamin A , potassium, selenium, folate, and chromium to just name a few Continue Reading

Food cures

Sore throat? Try this miracle cure

June 14, 2015

Two days ago I started feeling this scratching sensation in my throat creeping up. This was the first time in two years that I felt that a flu was trying to show up. I am sure that it was the girl I was sitting next to for a few hours in a seminar. She was coughing and blowing her nose during the whole session. Although my body’s defense system has been really good in the past years it seems like it did not manage to fight off the invader this time.

Back in the days I would just make myself a Lemsip or pop in a couple of paracetamol tablets for the next four to five days and hope it will go away fast.
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Food cures

The Black Seed – the universal healer

September 22, 2014

The black seed (Nigella Sativa) sometimes as well referred to as black cumin or black sesame, has been know for centuries for its healing properties. The earliest recordings date back to the ancient Egyptian times. Black seed oil has been found in Tutankhamun’s tomb, which dates back about 3,300 years ago.
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